June was a month of very different weather from blistering sun to thunder and heavy rain. It was also a good month for many different reasons...
- Setting up or MHW on the Friday at Shoreham Fort
- Riding David's old bike again - first time this year!
- Military History Weekend at Shoreham Fort
- Lily had her first sleep over at a friends house (Izzy after her swimming party)
- I cycled from home to Devils Dyke (cross country)
- BBQ at Shoreham Fort
- Going away for a night in half term in Chichester
- Doing the Roman treasure hunt in Chichester
- Having lunch out in Weatherspoons in Chichester to celebrate both mine and Zoes birthday
- Lily and Zoe laughing over the 'weatherspoobs' incident in the cottage.
- Lily finiding a wooden donkey in the garden at the cottage.
- Lily giving the fridge a final goodbye hug.
- Getting the new fridge - so cool!!!
- Lily having anoth Hanshi class and getting pair with him - again so excited by the experience
- Jake making plans for his birthday
- Jake getting excited about his end of year school trip
- Fathers day - the children got really well thought out healthy treats.
- Jake trying to help by hanging the face clothes for Baby Ducks out to dry.
- Going to the harbour on Fathers Day and throwing flowers in to the sea for Zoe's Dad.
- Lily had the class tomato plant - and we did not kill it!
- Jake's birthday!
- Jake buying Lego and asking to make it with me (like when he was younger)
- Going bowling with Jake and his friends (Felix, Owen and Alfie)
- Watching Jake enjoying himself with his friends on the air hockey!
- Practice bike ride (making devils dyke without walking any!)
- Lily's note to me on the morning of the bike ride.
- The Capital to Coast bike ride!
- Seeing the children when I got to the finish line of the bike ride.
- Jake running the Dice Masters tournament at Games Night
- Having dinner at Caruso's after the bike ride.
- Getting so close to my ideal weight!
- Wimbledon - a complete outside getting into the second round. He got to play on centre court against Federa - A real 'movie' type story.
- Jake running another Pokemon all by himself.
- Lily going Olympic night at guides.